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Red M. Alinsod, M.D., FACOG, FACS, ACGE  56

                    Physician Testimonials

                                                             Dr. Igor Emanuel Martinek, MD
                                                             FMH Gynaecology & Obstetrics
                                                             FMH Operative Gynaecology
                                                             The Swiss Institute, Montreux Switzerland and London UK
                                                             2 Chemin de la Prairie 1815 Clarens Montreux Switzerland
                                                             T +4121 981 02 02 F +4121 981 02 04

                                                             Acknowledgement to Dr. Red Alinsod for his website.
                                            I am Swiss board certified gynaecologist and surgeon and had the privilege to attend a full preceptorship
                                            with Dr. Alinsod. Going straight to the point: this was a highlight and the most interesting and enriching post
                                            graduate training I have done and the best investment time and resource wise.
                                            Many thanks to you dear Red for the new insights you gave and the human bonds made during this intensive
                                            week. I especially enjoyed the tips and tricks you gave which make all the difference at the end of the day.
                                            I was able to witness your human and compassionate attitude towards patients. My patients at the Swiss
                                            Institute are grateful to me for what I learnt from you. The experience was unique and I look forward to our
                                            maintained fellowship.

                                            With all my gratitude and thanks.
                                            Dr. Igor Emanuel Martinek, MD

                                                                 Johan Brahme, M.D.
                                                                 Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery
                                                                 La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
                                                                 9850 Genesee Ave Suite 130
                                                                 La Jolla, California 92037
                                                                 (800) 942-2816

                                              As a long-time practicing plastic surgeon I can wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Red Alinsod’s one-on-
                                              one preceptorship. After researching the courses available in the United States, I came to the conclusion
                                              that Dr. Alinsod is the most skilled and credentialed of vaginal surgeons and one with the best teaching
                                              preceptorships around. The course itself was very well organized and I was exposed to a wide variety of
                                              vaginal procedures. Content materials were excellent. I was able to bring my staff, which meant that we
                                              received all the information to start vaginal rejuvenation procedures immediately. I am very happy to
                                              say that this part of my practice continues to grow and that there is a definite pent-up demand for these
                                              services. I feel that the hands-on approach of Dr. Alinsod’s program are invaluable. All in all it was a great
                                              time and an excellent investment. I will be happy to talk to you about my experiences.

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