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Red M. Alinsod, M.D., FACOG, FACS, ACGE  53

                    Physician Testimonials

                                                            Edward Jacobson, MD, FACOG
                                                            Greenwich Center for Restorative Vaginal Surgery
                                                            One Perryridge Road,Greenwich, CT 06830
                                                            Tel: 203 869-8360 Tel: 888-248-3003 Fax: 203 329-9740
                                                            Contact Dr Jacobson: Calls from outside USA: 001 203 869 8360

                                            I am a board certified gynecologist and have been in private practice in Greenwich, Connecticut for over
                                            25 years. I have specialized in sexual enhancement surgery since 2003 and have performed well over
                                            1000 procedures covering vaginoplasty, labial reduction, labia majora reduction and hymenoplasty. I
                                            found Dr. Red Alinsod of Laguna Beach, California, who pioneered a different and unique approach to
                                            aesthetic vaginal procedures using radiosurgery with the Ellman Surgitron . ®

                                            I worked two very full days with Red in a one-on-one preceptorship, learning his techniques for
                                            surgery under local anesthesia, use of fine suture materials, and how to make precision incisions
                                            with radiosurgical instruments resulting in a 90% reduction in lateral thermal damage that I found so
                                            problematic with other power devices. We used radiosurgery with the Ellman Surgitron  for reduced
                                            post-operative discomfort, minimal scar formation, enhanced healing and excellent cosmetic results.
                                            Within 10 days I incorporated all of these newly learned skills into my practice and was delighted
                                            not only with the immediate cosmetic results but with the significant reduction in post-operative
                                            discomfort experienced by my patients. Most importantly of course, patients were extremely pleased
                                            with the results.

                                            A patient who I previously performed labiaplasty couldn’t believe how comfortable she was immediately
                                            after a subsequent vaginoplasty. Individualized training with Dr. Alinsod was not inexpensive, and I
                                            had my reservations before committing to work with him. Those doubts were completely dispelled.
                                            Red is a terrific teacher and has showed me how to provide a much higher level of aesthetic surgery
                                            for my patients. His training is unquestionably worth the cost.

                                            Edward Jacobson, MD

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